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Derek's space

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Kinda's Reward Points: 1649

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument Would Dictatorship do India any GOOD???
2 Added Argument Do you think that women are better than man?
1 Added Argument Why would God create the need to eat.
-1 Downvoted Argument Why would God create the need to eat.
-1 Downvoted Argument Republicans vs Democrats on tax cuts
-1 Downvoted Argument Republicans vs Democrats on tax cuts
-1 Downvoted Argument How can PETA not have a stance on abortion
5 Added Argument Do you think that women are better than man?
-1 Downvoted Argument IS the USA the greatest country.
-1 Downvoted Argument IS the USA the greatest country.
3 Added Argument What entity can adequately provide better roads at the lower cost?
1 Added Argument What economic system do you feel works best and why? (Capitalism, Socialism, etc.)
-1 Downvoted Argument What economic system do you feel works best and why? (Capitalism, Socialism, etc.)
-1 Downvoted Argument What economic system do you feel works best and why? (Capitalism, Socialism, etc.)
2 Added Argument Are Atheist Closed Minded and Egotistical?
-1 Downvoted Argument IS the USA the greatest country.
4 Added Argument IS the USA the greatest country.
1 Added Argument Is America indoctrinated to socialist ideals of public schools?
0 Added Argument Should convicted felons be Granted welfare benefits indefinately?
2 Added Argument Why is obama black
4 Added Argument Should martial arts be taught for self discipline than self defense?
1 Added Argument Do the people of a nation have an obligation to provide welfare to their fellow citizens?
1 Added Argument Our Earth- Round or Flat???
1 Added Argument is ronald regan overrated
2 Added Argument Do the people of a nation have an obligation to provide welfare to their fellow citizens?
1 Added Argument it is better to be a follower than a leader
1 Added Argument Free-Market Police: Better or Worse?
1 Added Argument When will we not worry about terrorism?
0 Added Argument Reparations for Slavery
0 Added Argument Qymosabi vs white privilege
1 Added Argument Well...., this is my 1000 debate. I'm pretty much done here. It's been fun ;)
1 Added Argument Does lying help our lives?
1 Added Argument If a child is compensated, what is the need for child labor laws?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Pornography degrading to our society?
2 Added Argument What would make you join an armed revolt?
3 Added Argument "WHY?"
-1 Downvoted Argument What Might Be TERMINATOR's AGE?
-1 Downvoted Argument What Might Be TERMINATOR's AGE?
2 Added Argument A new era
1 Added Argument We should get rid of the concept of a 'minority'.
2 Added Argument What Might Be TERMINATOR's AGE?
1 Added Argument Miscegenation is despicable.
1 Added Argument Are smoking bans in private vehicles absurd?
0 Added Argument Is it Healthy for Gays to adopt and raise a child?
1 Added Argument Atheists should NOT be allowed to get married
1 High Rated Argument Modern music is contributing to the downfall of society.

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